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Facing the new global era, many domestic enterprises are looking for the new market and the better investment outlets in the global market.

However, suitable investment outlets and the satisfactory investment results are hard to find due to lack of information and understanding of local markets. In order to meet this need, NIBC strives to provide superior consulting service for global investors in Vietnam, Southeast Asia, and around the world.

Since 2009, NIBC has provided the consulting services for various real estate businesses such as apartment, villa, shopping mall and hotel, and we’ve brought successful results and outcomes to our investors and customers consistently.

Currently, NIBC provides consultation, joint investment and project management in Singapore, Cambodia, Thailand as well as Vietnam with our knowhow, strategies, and networks based on our successful experiences. 

NIBC will be the premier partner for investors who seek new investment opportunites in Vietnam and Southeast Asia.

Recruitment Timeline

NIBC has a year-round recruitment schedule.


Detailed application qualification is according to the recruiting position. Veterans or handicapped applicants are given preferential treatment by related law.

Recruitment Process

NIBC has a multiple interview process for in-depth assessment of capacity and potential of the applicant.


of Talent

NIBC recruits the talent with basic qualification and development potential. The holistic talent who equips integrated thinking through diverse practical experience and volunteer experience is our concept of talent. 

+84 (28) 3844 1916    |    13-15A Nguyen Thi Huynh, Ward 8, Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

NIBC 2021

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